Recently, Nguyen Thi Thanh Loan, a TYM staff at Transaction Office No. 02 of TYM – Nghi Loc Branch, Nghe An, was honored to receive the international Field Officer Award 2024 by Whole Planet Foundation.
On the morning of August 29, 2024, TYM General Director Pham Thi Thuy Linh, on behalf of Whole Planet Foundation, presented this international award to TYM staff Nguyen Thi Thanh Loan. This award honors field officers working in the field of microfinance around the world, organized annually by the Whole Planet Foundation. Ms. Thanh Loan is the 10th TYM staff to be honored within the framework of this international award for her dedication and contribution to microfinance activities and in supporting women.
Ms. Nguyen Thi Thanh Loan started working at TYM in 2001. Up to now, for 23 years, this officer has been with TYM and supported many women in Nghe An to participate in and access loans, deposit savings and benefit from TYM’s support activities. Ms. Loan is currently managing 696 customers with outstanding loans of nearly 10 billion VND and a potential savings balance of more than 7 billion VND. 100% of the customers that Ms. Loan is managing repays their loans well. Not only has she excellently completed the assigned tasks, over the years, Ms. Loan has always been dedicated to her work and made efforts to support women in developing their economy. In particular, poor women and vulnerable women are the subjects that she always cares about to support them in availing loans from TYM, helping them use the loans effectively, increasing their family income. For Ms. Loan, each woman’s life has different difficulties, so within her ability, she will apply appropriate support methods. There are customers in difficulty who, thanks to Ms. Loan’s help, have been supported by TYM to own a subsidized home. Many women have been inspired by Ms. Loan to have suitable and sustainable production and business ideas, thanks to which they have all developed their economies. Some have received the Outstanding Micro-Entrepreneur Award within the framework of the Citi Micro-Entrepreneur Award (CMA). Ms. Loan often shares with everyone that the motivation for her to stick with TYM is not only to have income but also to see the humane meaning in her work. She herself also learns and is spread the dedication and kindness from her colleagues and customers. As a technical officer of TYM, she has the opportunity to help and support many women in difficulty to have a better life. Speaking at the award ceremony, TYM General Director Pham Thi Thuy Linh congratulated and affirmed that this was not only a great honor for the individual awardee but also brought pride to the organization and contributed to enhancing the image and reputation of TYM in the hearts of domestic and international partners and friends. The General Director acknowledged and highly appreciated the contributions of the staff to TYM activities and women’s support work over the past 20 years. TYM leaders hope that in the coming time, staff Nguyen Thi Thanh Loan will continue to strive and earn more achievements.
At the award ceremony, Ms. Loan was moved to receive this meaningful award and promised that she would continue to strive and be more dedicated to the work of supporting women, especially disadvantaged women, so that they can overcome all barriers and become wealthy.