Appointment Ceremony of New Chief of Office of the central VWU and Deputy General Director of TYM


Thường trực Đoàn Chủ tịch TW Hội LHPN Việt Nam chúc mừng hai đồng chí được bổ nhiệm

On the morning of January 30, the Vietnam Women’s Union (VWU) held a ceremony to announce the appointment decisions for Ms. Phạm Thị Hương Giang, Member of the Presidium, Head of the Women’s Economic Development Support Department, and Mr. Phùng Đình Kiện, Head of the Research and Development Department at the Tinh Thuong One Member Limited Liability Microfinance Institution (TYM).

According to Decision No. 3378/QD-DCT, effective January 4, 2024, Mr. Phùng Đình Kiện has been appointed as the Deputy General Director of TYM, with a term of five years.

On behalf of the VWU leadership, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Standing Vice President of the VWU Đỗ Thị Thu Thảo presented the decisions to the appointed comrades. She expressed her hope that in their new roles, they would continue to strive, uphold their sense of responsibility, and improve their competencies in all aspects to excel in their duties and contribute to the development of the Union and the women’s movement.

Source: Vietnam Women’s Union



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