On 2nd August, the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs in collaboration with the Embassy of Ireland and the United Nations Development Programme in Vietnam (UNDP) held an event in Hanoi to launch the Festival of community driven initiativesfor sustainable povertyreduction. It wasto support and provide detailed informationabout the Festival for participating teams, and to attract the attention, collaboration, and support of public and private partnersfor the participating teams in the path of sustainable poverty reductionandfamily economicdevelopment. In this Festival, TYM played a role as a member of the Advisory Council.
Presided over the launching event, Deputy Minister of Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs Mr. Nguyen Trong Dam said that the target participants were groups of ethnic minority households in the northern mountainous regions (priority for the groups with 70% ethnic minority women members) co-implementing production and business activities, taking initiatives to develop the current activities to create more jobs, increase household incomes and develop community economy. The Festival would be from July to December 2016. There would have 10 prizes awarding for the winners who could promote the best the roles and the internal resources of communities (especially ethnic minority women) in the development and implementation of community driven livelihood initiatives ensuring the development of indigenous products and environmental sustainability with orientation toward clean production for sustainable poverty reduction and community value enhancement. There would include 2 awards for the team voted the most by spectators and for the one having clean production and indigenous values preservation initiative.
At the event, the advisory council members spentmuch time counselinganddirectingall the teams about regulations, objectives of theFestivaland appropriate approachesto solve their difficultiesincapital mobilization,investment capital balances, group operation, business planning,etc.
As one of the organizations enthusiastically supporting the Festival anda member of the Advisory Board, representatives of TYM together withthePolicy Bank advisedtheteams on creditactivities andcapital sources. They alsosharedexperiences on how to operate small credit lending and savingsin villages/hamlets to support poor women in contribution to the common goal of poverty reduction of the Government.
The launching event: Festival of community driven initiatives for sustainable poverty reduction
Session for advising and sharing experiences to support groups and teams in handling difficulties and understanding the rules of the Festival
Several clean products made by groups/teams were introduced at the launching event