What is a MFI? This term refers to Microfinance Institutions. TYM was licensed by the State Bank of Vietnam as a MFI in 2010.

What is Microfinance? Is a source of financial services for entrepreneurs and small businesses lacking access to banking and related services. The two main mechanisms for the delivery of financial services to such clients are (1) relationship-based banking for individual entrepreneurs and small businesses; and (2) group-based models, where several entrepreneurs come together to apply for loans and other services as a group.

Do Clients pay interest on loans? Yes. Members pay a nominal interest rate via their weekly/ monthly loan repayments to cover the operational costs associated with delivering microcredits. Currently, rates range from 0.1% per week to 0.21% per week, depending on the type of loan.

Are Members and Clients the same thing? No. Clients are women who have simply taken out a loan with TYM. Whilst Members are those clients who commit to participate in all of TYM’s services such as loans, savings, family mutual assistance and to follow TYM regulations.

What is the difference between Branches, Centers and Transaction Offices? To reach women at the local level we have designed a three-tier system that includes women living in remote and difficult to reach areas. The highest level of community engagement occurs at the Province/District level, here larger Branches operate out of urban hubs. At the next level, we operate in Communes serving Clients out of our smaller Transaction Offices. Finally, we have small Transaction Offices located at the village level making it easy for Clients to carry out transactions close to home in small localities.

How do we support our activities? TYM is an independent institution which funds the majority of its operations through the implementation of financial inclusion programs. TYM also works with local and international partners who provide lines of finance (loans and non-reimbursable grants). TYM partners with donors to fund many of the social services we provide.

What services do we provide? TYM offers Vietnamese women financial (loans, savings accounts) and non-financial services (Business Development Services, capacity building, health services, life insurance, cultural activities, charity etc.)

What type of organization is TYM? TYM is a registered MFI which is owned by the Vietnamese Women’s Union.

What is the Vietnamese Women’s Union (VWU) and how is it linked to TYM? The  Vietnam Women’s Union (VWU) is a socio-political organization which was established in 1930. It strives to promote the legal rights and interests of all Vietnamese women by implementing initiatives that foster women’s development and gender equality.

The VWU has a nationwide network spanning from the Central Government level to Provinces/Cities, Districts and Communes/Wards, and has more than 15 million members.

How can you get involved and support women in Vietnam? There are many ways to support our work! TYM accepts donations via our website. If you or your organization is interested in becoming a partner or you would like to volunteer please send us a message via our contact form.