Member: Nguyen Phuong Lan
Age: 58
Living: Gia Khanh town, Binh Xuyen district, Vinh Phuc province.

That is the story of Mrs. Nguyen Phuong Lan, leader of center 39 at Tam Quang residential group, Gia Khanh town, Binh Xuyen district, Vinh Phuc province.
In 2003, Mrs. Lan joined TYM and became a member of center 39, branch 9 Binh Xuyen, now transaction office No. 01 of TYM Vinh Phuc branch. With loans borrowed from TYM, Mrs. Lan has diligently increased her household production and has improved the living conditions of her family. Life of her small family of 4 people used to be peaceful and happy. In 2006, her husband became seriously ill, so her family faced many difficulties. Her children were small, my husband was sick so she always tried to be a spiritual support for her husband and children. After 6 years of medical treatment, her husband passed away leaving behind the burden of debt and two sons at school age. At that time, Mrs. Lan thought she had fallen, but because of her children’s future, she refused to give in to fate, she told herself to do her best to change the lives of her parents and children. She regained her spirit, participated more actively in the activities of the center. Mrs. Lan was encouraged by other women in center 39 and TYM staff, she was really touched and considered center 39 as her second family. Therefore, she never stopped studying, she was always the pioneer in joining activities of center 39 and neighborhoods.
Admiring Mrs. Lan’s example of overcoming difficulties, in 2010, women in center 39 nominated her to be the leader of center 39. When accepting this task, she determined to strive to build center 39 to always unite, center 39 must be “the house, the spiritual support” for all of its members. With those concerns, she never stopped learning, actively participated in training classes organized by TYM and Vietnam Women’s Union (VWU) to gain more knowledge and skills for herself and have the opportunity to support more members in center 39. In center management activities, she always coordinates with TYM technical officers to grasp members’ needs of loans, advises members to properly implement projects so that TYM’s loans can be used effectively. With her sense of responsibility in management, center 39’s repayment rate over the past 20 years has always been maintained at 100%. As an enthusiastic and thoughtful person, she is always enthusiastic and instructive so that members understand and comply well with TYM’s policies. After 20 years of operation and attachment to the center, she and her collective members have built center 39 with stable organization, always at the forefront of the movements of the Transaction Office 01, successfully completing the set plans of center 39.
In particular, the year 2022 marked the 20-year anniversary of the establishment of the center 39, she discussed and agreed with members in the center to give gifts to members who have joined the center for 20 years. With a member of center 39, Mrs. Lan is always the one who inspires other members to overcome difficulties in life and helps people connect with each other. Every year, Mrs. Lan and members of center 39 organize mutual activities such as: going on a vacation, visiting sick families, sharing spirit and affection when the family of a member is at risk or giving a hand when the family of a member has a big event (wedding, funeral…). Giving sincere feelings, Mrs. Lan always received the love and support of other members in center 39.

With her significant contributions in building the general movement of the locality, over time Mrs. Lan’s prestige was confirmed. She was elected to be the Head of the Farmers’ Union and Head of the Red Cross, leader of Vietnam Women’s Union of Tam Quang Street for the 2016-2021 term, member of the Executive Committee of Vietnam Women’s Union of Gia Khanh town term 2021-2026. Along with her experience as a nurse in the army in her youth, from 2000 up to now, she was elected to be a village health worker, and was selected as the population collaborator of Tam Quang residential group. In social work and local activities, she is always a creative person, autonomous in working methods, attracting many people to join in building common local movements. In March 2021, during the outbreak of COVID-19, she was not afraid of difficulties and suffering, she worked with local leaders to develop epidemic prevention plans, to visit and closely monitor households every day. She has contributed significantly to the success of the outbreak of COVID-19 epidemic in Gia Khanh town. Being a harmonious person, for the community, over time her prestige was confirmed, her position was enhanced from which she was elected as a deputy of the People’s Council of Gia Khanh town for the term 2021-2026.

Currently, her older son works as a human resource manager for a joint venture company in Ba Thien Industrial Park, Binh Xuyen district. Her younger son is a teacher working in Hanoi. Her stable family life has made a lever for her to continue to dedicate herself and bring enthusiasm to help difficult circumstances, make the movements at the locality increasingly develop. Loving TYM, Mrs. Lan hopes she always has a good health to continue accompanying TYM for many years to come.