Training to improve communication skills for managers


Recently in Hanoi, TYM has collaborated with Accomplishments of Management by Intelligence, Creation & Aspiration (AMICA) to hold a training course “Effective communication for success and happiness” for TYM leaders and managers. The lecturer is Mr. Nguyen Duy Cuong – a leading expert in the field of personal capacity development.

This course was designed for managers of branches and the head office in order to help them gain good communication, know how to control emotion and attitude in communicating with clients, companion, and employees. This helps to avoid unnecessary conflict at jobs when working intensity and pressure is high. This course was appreciated on the content and methods of training. Trainees were particularly impressed with the communication nature, the basic knowledge of human potentials applied to communication, methods of maintaining mentality and energy to live and work effectively. Such the contents as building attitude of living and positive methods of communication, good mood in keeping good communication are all applicable for real life.

                                                                                                                                   Ha Trang


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